Weight Loss Stack: Supplement Stacks

Weight Management Stack

SKU: Weight Management Stack
description FAQs
1 x Animal Cuts
  • Comprehensive fat burning formula with Nootropics
  • Supports fat loss, appetite suppression, sustained energy, and enhanced focus
  • Available in convenient pill packs and great tasting powders
  • Also available in delicious tasting powders.
1 x Animal Omega
Animal Omega
  • 7 different sources of Omega 3’s and 6’s
  • Boosts immunity, optimizes hormone production, assists in body fat loss
  • Supports cardiovascular and joint health and fights inflammation
1 x Animal PM
Animal PM
  • Helps promote more efficient and restful sleep
  • Naturally boosts GH and improves muscle recovery
  • Non-habit forming all-natural formula with Melatonin

Lose Weight & Boost Your Metabolism

  • Supports Fat Loss, Appetite Suppression, Sustained Energy, and Enhanced Focus

    Animal Cuts, our potent all-in-one thermogenic, includes 17 fat burning agents plus nootropics, thyroid and metabolic support, and appetite suppressant and is available with or without stimulants

  • Cardiovascular Health and Body Fat Loss

    Animal Omega EFA complex features 10 different sources of Omega 3 and 6 and assists with improving lipid profile, cardiovascular health, and body fat loss with a precise ratio of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids including EPA, DHA and CLA

  • All-Natural Sleep and Recovery Formula

    Effective, non-habit forming, sleep and relaxation complexes with melatonin and herbs plus anabolic recovery with aminos and clinically researched GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) and AKG (alpha-ketoglutarate) to naturally boost GH levels

Frequently asked questions

Is it okay to take Animal Omega on an empty stomach?

Omega fatty acids should be taken with a meal for best absorption.

How long can I take this stack?

These products should be taken on a (3) three-week on (1) one-week off cycle.

Should I take Animal PM on non-training days?

Yes, this product is most effective when consistently taken as part of your daily supplement routine.

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Made in the USA

Made in the USA

Good manufacturing practice

Good manufacturing practice

UL Certified

UL Certified

Ironclad quality & guarantee

Ironclad quality & guarantee