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Buff up your internal armor with workout supplements specifically designed to improve your immune system, hormone levels, sleep recovery, and nutrient intake – all while helping you perform your best when it counts. Get a FREE Clear Whey Sample with every purchase. 

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Animal Pak Animal Pak
Comprehensive All-in-One Multivitamin and Supplement Pack
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New and Improved Formula
Animal Omega Animal Omega
Comprehensive Omega 3 6 EFA Essential Fatty Acid Supplement
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Animal TNT+ Animal TNT+
Boost Male Health, Performance, and Stamina
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Animal Flex Animal Flex
The Complete Joint Support Supplement
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Animal PM Animal PM
Nighttime Anabolic Recovery Supplement
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Foundation Stack Foundation Stack
Joint Support and Wellness
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Frequently asked questions

Can workout supplements replace a balanced diet?

No, supplements are intended to complement a balanced diet, not replace it. They fill nutritional gaps and enhance wellness but should be paired with a nutritious diet.

How often should I take multivitamin or vitamin packs?

Daily intake is recommended to ensure consistent nutrient coverage, especially for those with rigorous training schedules.

Are hormone balancers safe?

When used as directed, hormone balancers and test boosters from reputable sources like Animal are safe and can be an effective part of a wellness regimen.

Can sleep supplements become habit-forming?

Animal’s sleep and recovery supplements are formulated to support restful sleep without habit-forming ingredients, ensuring you get quality rest naturally.

Are Animal wellness supplements for both men and women?

Most, but not all. When it comes to hormone supplements, we recommend Power Balance for women and TNT+ for men. Sleep and recovery supplements, multivitamins, joint flexibility supplements, and our Daily Greens are great for men and women alike.



For Total Wellness.



For Total Wellness.

What Workout Supplements Support Wellness?

Everyone wants the gains, but unlocking your peak performance means putting in the extra effort—both in the gym and in your nutrition routine. It’s this extra effort that helps the dedicated break through physical and mental plateaus to achieve excellence.


An often overlooked avenue to excellence is with workout supplements that optimize the body’s inner functionality, which benefits your outer physique. We’re talking about multivitamins, essential fatty acids (EFAs), natural hormones, and other health supplements that amend dietary deficiencies and lay the foundation for comprehensive wellness, inside and out.



Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals your body requires for optimum performance down to a cellular level. They play a critical role in total health, longevity, and performance, including:

      Supporting your immune system

      Boosting and maintaining energy levels

      Optimizing cellular development

      Aiding hemoglobin synthesis

      Supporting bone health

      Fighting oxidative damage


Joint Flexibility

Look. You don’t have to throw in the towel just because you’re getting older. For athletes, age doesn’t determine joint health nearly as much as behavior does. Adding a comprehensive joint supplement to your diet can improve joint health and destroy age barriers.

      Repair, rebuild, and protect worn down joints

      Strengthen cartilage and connective tissue

      Improve joint mobility and lubrication

      Reduce inflammation

      Support rigorous training regiments


Test Boosters & Hormone Balancers

Hormones are one of the unsung heroes of beast-like performance. Taking health supplements designed to balance or boost hormone levels can help you:

      Maintain energy

      Regulate body fat

      Support muscle growth

      Improve oxygen capacity

      Increase metabolism

      Accelerate recovery

      Reduce fatigue

Make no mistake, these workout supplements are for everyone, but they’re specifically designed with professional bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness junkies in mind. They’re also very popular among people looking to kick their physical health up a notch as part of a dedicated workout and nutrition plan.

Workout Supplements For Total Wellness

Everyone wants the gains, but unlocking your peak performance means putting in the extra effort—both in the gym and in your nutrition routine. It’s this extra effort that helps the dedicated break through physical and mental plateaus to achieve excellence.


An often overlooked avenue to excellence is with workout supplements that optimize the body’s inner functionality, which benefits your outer physique. We’re talking about multivitamins, essential fatty acids (EFAs), natural hormones, and other health supplements that amend dietary deficiencies and lay the foundation for comprehensive wellness, inside and out.


The imporantance of micronutrients

in your workout supplements stack.


In the relentless pursuit of peak physical form and performance, it's easy to get caught up in the macro frenzy—proteins, fats, and carbohydrates—while overlooking the silent warriors of wellness: micronutrients. These vital components are the unsung heroes of health and performance, and integrating them into your workout supplements regimen can be a game-changer.


Micronutrients, encompassing vitamins and minerals, are crucial for a multitude of bodily functions that directly and indirectly impact your training, recovery, and overall health. From energy metabolism and protein synthesis to immune function and bone health, micronutrients play a pivotal role. Focusing solely on macronutrients can lead to deficiencies that hinder performance, recovery, and growth, underscoring the importance of incorporating vitamin packs or a multivitamin powder into your regime.


Think of it this way: if macros are the fuel that drives the high-performing machine that is your body, then micronutrients are the fine motor oils, transmission fluid, and coolants that keep you from breaking down.



What Are The Best Bodybuilding Supplements For Overall Wellness?

When it comes to supplementation, there are no shortage of options to choose from. Here at Animal, we focus on developing supplements that ignite performance and recovery. Our health supplements are meant to either fill in the gaps in your nutrition or amplify your intake of performance-based nutrients.

We’ve found that most people prefer either supplement powders or pill packs.

Powders, like our Animal Pak all-in-one multivitamin powder, are great for getting all your vitamins, minerals, and other energy boosting supplements in one or two scoops, depending on how intense your training is.

Vitamin packs, add an entirely new level of convenience, since you don’t need to mix them into water or shakes. They’re also supremely versatile, allowing you to tailor your intake based on your own specific nutritional requirements. Don’t need the caffeine complex for your night time workout? Just omit it.

Here’s a brief but detailed overview of the types of health and weightlifting supplements we offer, and why they’re the choice of professional athletes and everyday fitness junkies alike.


micronutrients & Vitamin Packs


In the realm of bodybuilding vitamins and supplements for wellness, micronutrients stand out for their ability to fine-tune the body's mechanisms, ensuring you’re not just strong but holistically healthy.


Multivitamins and micronutrients fill the nutritional gaps left by diet alone, ensuring your body has everything it needs to function optimally.


Animal offers a range of micronutrient supplements, including vitamin packs and multivitamin powders, designed to support the rigorous demands of bodybuilders and athletes. But you don’t need to be a pro-level beast to feel the benefits first hand: anyone, regardless of how hard you train, can benefit from these amazing total-health supplements.


Optimizing your nutrition with micronutrient supplements can help you:


Sharpen cognitive and physical abilities

Support muscle growth and performance

Support your immune system

Boost and maintaining energy levels

Optimize cellular development

Aid hemoglobin synthesis

Support bone health

Fight oxidative damage


Joint Flexibility Supplements


Look. You don’t have to throw in the towel just because you’re getting older. For athletes, age doesn’t determine joint health nearly as much as behavior does. Adding a comprehensive joint supplement to your diet can improve joint health and destroy age barriers.


That’s because joint health is paramount for athletes and bodybuilders alike, with flexibility and strength being key components to longevity and performance. It goes without saying that this also extends beyond the workout arenas into everyday life. The last thing you want when you’re kicking it with your friends, playing with your kids, or out enjoying an active life is for something preventable like sub-par joint health to bench you.


Enhancing joint flexibility and strength not only supports athletic performance but also breaks down age barriers, contributing to a lifetime of health and activity.

Taking joint supplements makes it easier and more effective to:


Think of it this way: if macros are the fuel that drives the high-performing machine that is your body, then micronutrients are the fine motor oils, transmission fluid, and coolants that keep you from breaking down.


Repair, rebuild, and protect worn down joints

Strengthen cartilage and connective tissue

Improve joint mobility and lubrication

Reduce inflammation

Support rigorous training regiments


Test Boosters & Hormone balancers


Hormones are the conductors of the body’s biochemical orchestra, playing a critical role in muscle growth, recovery, and overall wellness.

Testosterone boosters and hormone balancers help maintain optimal levels of crucial hormones, supporting everything from muscle synthesis to mood regulation.


Balancing your hormone levels with the right supplements can revolutionize your performance with benefits like:


Enhanced muscle growth and strength

Improved recovery times

Balanced mood and energy levels

Supported libido and overall well-being


Sleep & Recovery Supplements

The importance of sleep in the context of muscle recovery and growth cannot be overstated, with quality rest being as crucial as the workout itself. It’s during this downtime where your muscle fibers repair and grow, adding both mass and strength.


Sleep and recovery supplements aid in maximizing hypertrophy during rest so that you can annihilate your workout when it’s time to hit the gym again.

Taking supplements to ensure you recovery adequately can:


Accelerate muscle repair and growth

Improve sleep quality, giving you more energy

Reduce inflammation and soreness

Enhance mental clarity and focus in and out of the gym


Combining Workout Supplements For Optimized Nutrition

While whole foods remain the gold standard for nutritional intake, the reality is that too few of us have the time and resources to dial in our diet, meal prep for an entire week, sit down for each meal… Most of us can radically benefit from on-the-go nutrition. With high-quality supplements, however, it’s a lot easier to be strategic about what nutrients you’re getting, and when. We’ve made this process easy for you:


Individual Animal Wellness Supplements: Designed for easy integration, Animal’s supplements can be combined to address specific health and performance goals, ensuring a well-rounded approach to nutrition and wellness.


Animal Foundation Stack: A perfect example of this synergy is Animal’s Foundation Stack, which optimizes joint health, muscular recovery, and overall wellness, ensuring that you’re not just building muscle but also fostering a body built to last.


Make no mistake, these workout supplements are for everyone, but they’re specifically designed with professional bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness junkies in mind. They’re also very popular among people looking to kick their physical health up a notch as part of a dedicated workout and nutrition plan.